Trusted by Canada’s
Investor communications
We offer compelling design and communications that will help you accelerate your business results.
Craib has been at the forefront of investor communications since our inception. We help our clients deliver critical messages to their investor audience – messages that build trust, communicate your value, and improve your shareholder engagement.
Alectra Utilities
Power of the people
Craib helped Alectra enhance the power of its brand and reputation by developing an annual report that positioned Alectra as a new kind of energy company, one that is growing, innovative and sustainable. A company with a vision to create a future where people, businesses and communities will benefit from energy’s full potential.
How we helped
Alectra’s integrated annual reporting platform underscores its transformation into a major player in the energy sector and its determination to improve its disclosures and transparency.
Integrated Annual Sustainability Report
Proxy, MIC and shareholder materials
Strategy and planning
Print management
Craib actively researches global benchmarks and best practices.
We take a global perspective to bring the best of the best to our clients.
We are an industry leader in researching and understanding
benchmarks and best practices.
We help you communicate with your stakeholders in a visually compelling way
Investor communications that deliver value and results
We take a detailed and responsive approach that delivers results from strategy and planning to all aspects of design and implementation. Our step-by-step process and quality control measures ensure high accuracy, superior execution and client satisfaction.